Dr. Raffaele Cisilino
Dr. Raffaele Cisilino was born in Udine on July 10 , 1979. After graduating from the Filippin Institute of Paderno del Grappa, in 2006 he obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Udine.
Dr. Raffaele Cisilino is registered as Chartered Accountants of the Province of Udine; he is in the Register of Auditors of Accounts by Ministerial Decree of 11 June 2014, and in the Register of Auditors of Cooperatives.
It is a consultant in the field:
- commercial and corporate law;
- consultancy company;
- extraordinary operations;
- business crises and consolidation strategies;
- crisis of over-indebtedness;
- contracts;
- bankruptcy proceedings.